Sunday, March 01, 2009

My return to Malaysia for a year

Today marks the 1st anniversary of me returning to Malaysia.

It also commemorates the first day of my arrival in Puchong - which is the place I will start working tomorrow.

It's so sad that I have to leave my parents once again due to work this time. Can't describe how i feel when I saw my dad for the last time before I went. He was speechless seeing me leaving and i knew it's hard for him to face this. As usual, he hid his face from me as he went on shedding tears in the living room.

It was the same day last year when i had to part with my friends in Leeds. I cried so much in the boarding room and led the attention to the rest of the passengers. At that moment, I didn't mind the shame crying in front of so many people anymore. The only thing that's in my mind was the picture of wonderful moments I spent with my friends - especially those from the Church. After the crying stopped, my mind went blank again and anxiety took over. I was so afraid that I might not be able cope with the life in Malaysia. And the main issue is how would I lead my spiritual life from then on. But praise the LORD, His grace is always upon me that I managed to live the life with happiness despite a difficult career seeking process.

Time really flies. One whole year had passed. And I am moving into a new phase of life. Really hope that GOD will continue to guide me in this new job and help me to get inspired and to inspire those around me. To those who have prayed for me and helped me along the way, thanks very much. My prayer will be with you too. Praise be with the LORD.

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