Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tiramisu - A Night To Remember

The D-Day is approaching and time is pushing me to to pack my stuff to move to Andrew's. It was a pleasent day. Sunshine covered most of the ground and left some of the spot on earth in dark as the cloud was insulating the ray from gleaming directly. The situation turned bad when the sun began to set.

None of us would love to live in dark. Night wouldn't be beautiful if there are no lamps to reflect the beauty of it. A Night wouldn't be that nice if there isn't any happening night activities going on. Right, but the problem is, i could hardly move any parts of my body. It was sour after a day of hard work packing. The only way to cheer my night was MOVIE! For those who have known me, yet another movie, sorry i just couldn't help myself *cheeky grin*. Well, guess what? It would be great if i come out with movie critics, just like what i did for Star Wars. Hoping that it will be a breakthrough for me as i haven't writen that much before. No one else knows me better than myself, surely writing isn't my cup of tea. But people are growing everyday and things around us need changes from time to time. To put it to a much profound form, we call this civilisation. And people need to improve themselves day by day accordingly to the current changes. Can't believe that i am actually writing? Believe it.

Oppss....i am a little bit out of the context. Alright, movie. I have been watching movie through out the night. I thought there will be nothing special happened that night but surprise from God always come when you are least expected. God has sent His two angels to bless me. Scratching my head in doubt, i was wondering why they rang me up suddenly. Could it be a sabotage from Ruth after the incident which occured during her Birthday? Frighten, i was not. Vengeance has to come and it is just the matter of time for it to arrive. But i couldn't believe it's going to happen right at that moment. Less than a minute, my door bell rang and i went towards my front door to accept my fate. Then these two angels (Ruth and Susana) right in front of the door, brought their steps forward to offer me a glass of Tiramisu. astonishing that moment was for me to know that it wasn't a sabotage to come, plus i have just received the most wonderful treat ever from Ruth and Susana. For that very moment, i was speechless. Of course, we did talk for a while and later after the talk, they showered me with prayer, just before they proceed to the next destination to bless other people. Happy, i was and i realised that there are so much we can do to bless others not only by just praying for them. There are many things we can do and every heart counts. Once our intention is there to serve, God will provide us the ideas. Praise Lord.

Thank you Lord for all your blessings that you have poured on me. Thanks for sending sister Ruth and sister Susana to bless me even i know that i am not worthy of it. I pray that Lord, you will continue to stay with them and may each day of theirs be a blessing day. Let us continue to dwell into your presence and worship you more as a ture God and a God of truth. Amen.

For those who don't know what is Tiramisu, here is the explanation i got from an encyclopedia. It would be great if you can have the taste rather than just reading on how it looks like. cup of Tiramisu. Lovely isn't it?

Tiramisù is an Italian dessert typically made from Lady Fingers, espresso coffee, mascarpone cheese, eggs, cream, sugar, marsala wine, and cocoa. The name tiramisù means "pick-me-up", referring to the two caffeine-containing ingredients, espresso and cocoa.
The Lady Fingers are sprinkled with or briefly soaked in a mixture of the coffee, wine, and sugar. They are then embedded in a mixture of mascarpone cheese and a custard made from eggs, sugar, and cream known as zabaglione. Cocoa powder is then sprinkled on top. The dessert is a fairly modern invention, having come into existence in the mid 1980s.
The dessert has become one of the most popular types of dessert served in upscale restaurants of all types, not just Italian restaurants. The recipe has been adapted into cakes, puddings and other varieties of dessert made with coffee-flavoured custard.

History of Tiramisu
There is some debate regarding the history of tiramisu. Some believe it was actually first created during the First World War. Women in northern Italy made these desserts for the men to take with them as they were being sent off to war. Presumably to remind them of their love together; as the bitter-sweet taste of the dessert alludes to the perplexing feeling of love itself. Or more practically, they might have believed the high caffeine and energy content of these desserts will give their men more energy to fight and help bring them home safely.
Yet another story regarding tiramisu dates back even further. It is said that during the Renaissance periods, Venetian women made these to be shared with their men during the late hours because they believed it would give them the energy to make more vigorous love later.
Whatever the case may be with this romantic “pick me up” dessert, its ties to love are definitely unmistakable upon your first bite.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Patience is a striking word. This noun denotes the capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint. Patience emphasizes calmness, self-control, and the willingness or ability to tolerate delay. Exactly to what extent a man can be patient? Beat me although through out these while I was really researching about the capacity of endurance a man could have. Purposely, I put myself into the test.

Surprisingly, the result that came into view has proven me to be easily irritated. Three years in the Royal Malaysia Police Cadet Corps actually made no changes in my effort of being patient. In retrospect, my attitude before I was enlisted to the corps was even worse than I can imagine. It could hardly be a possible thing for me to take orders from other people. Perhaps only one person I would listen to, that’s me, only me. Don’t even think of me getting reprimanded by other people. Because I know that when the emotion strikes, dispute will take place.

Expectation is always there when effort is applied to the work. Be patient was what I have expected to be. A spoilt child can not be easily twisted to the good side. Disagreed with this statement, I was. As I believe that opportunity of “rehabilitation” lies on the hand of every person. The decision of self-correction is, therefore, up to one’s personal view. Of course, I have accepted the challenge. I even promised myself for not being red when I was barked by my drill commander and his respective officers. Rome was not built in one day. Hard work, endurance, self control, none of these mentioned, are supposed to be disregarded, if one is to achieve the level of subconscious patience.

After these few years of training, I thought I was almost there to the final stage of success but to my shock, I find myself, still, a long way behind the stage of where I am supposed to be. This occurred to me when one of my female friends asked me to help my other guy friend with house keeping. Reluctant was I to help but eventually I did help him. Judging from this case, it can be seen that although I have done what I am supposed to do for him but still, patience does not seem to be with me as I have secretly cursing my other friend incessantly for being busy body. Things are easy to say than to do it. Just like the aim that I have promised myself to achieve, it can be vanished easily like smoke into the air.

In the Bible, I am enlightened with Genesis 29:20 which state “Jacob spent the next seven years working to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days.” Jacob had worked so hard without knowing whether he would get what he wanted in the end, but he had fulfilled what he had been told to do. Of course, he was tricked by Laban in the end as Laban sent Leah to him instead of Rachel. After being tracked, he agreed to work for seven more years for Rachel. 1 The most important goals and desires are worth working and waiting for. Movies and television have created the illusion that people have to wit only about an hour to solve their problems or get what they want. Don’t be trapped into thinking the same in real life. Patience is hardest when we need it the most, but it is the key to achieving our goals. Indeed, patience will help you reach your goal.

Lack of patience can cause you to miss blessing. Like what stated in 2 Samuel 13:8-14, the love of Amnon for his half-sister has turned to hate after he slept with her. 2 Although he had claimed to be in love, he was actually overcome by lust. Love is patient; lust requires immediate sexual satisfaction. Love is kind; lust is harsh. Love does not demand its own way; lust does. Yes, love is always related to patience and vice versa. Blessing can only be found if the heart of patience is there.

Now I really want to abase before God and may Lord Father forgive me for not being serene. Praying that Lord, in the name of Jesus, will heal me from the inside and help me to grow in Christ. Hail to the Lord, God Almight.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dirty Room Needs Clean Up

Thing has never been so bad until you come across the craziness when you have to clean up your room. The enduring forbearance to conduct the work can be easily disturbed especially working under a relatively hot weather. Worse than being caught under the rain, my shirt was soaked in sweat. My nose was being hit by the familiar smell I last sensed when I was in Penang - the smell of sweat. It has been a long time since I sweated and the weather in Leeds has never failed to bring the arctic atmosphere to the people here. Anyway, summer has to be like summer, so useless to complain.

My room needs to be cleaned up due to the disorder after a fierce “battle”. Incredibly increase of the things in my room has led me to brusque craziness. Hopping up and down, not because I was excited about getting my room cleaned up but I was agitated by the hard work that I was about to go through that time.

I seemed to have lost my sense of direction on where to start. Questions circling around my mind are always the same. And it will get more stupid as the questions are repeated continuously for several times. Yes, rubbish first. And so I cleared all the “unwanted”. The attention was diverted to the books after that and I have never thought of having so many books with me. In fact, I only brought two here and now I have got more than 13 of them. Course texts cover only 30%, the rest are novels and holistic concealed written works. Finally, when it came to clothes, I suddenly held myself from continuing, knowing that there is still a week or two before I leave my room for another place. Needless to get the clothes packed in an early stage like this, I might need to wear the clothes later within these days of my stay. And so the process of cleaning ended just like this. To be frank, I just hate cleanliness but the end of the work could be fruitful – yes, a tidy room you will get.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Another wonderful song from Hillsongs Music Australia. Differ from the style of songs made by them in their previous album, Hillsongs Music has proven to us again their magnificent wizardry in gospel music contribution. Kudos to Hillsongs and may God's presence continue to guide them in producing more pleasant music.

With all my heart I'll say
I'm living for Your name
With all to give You praise
We're living forYour glory Lord

Lost for words with all to say
Lord you take my breath away
Still my soul, my soul cries out
You are Holy

And as I look upon Your name
Circumstances fade away
Now Your Glory steadls my heart
You are Holy
You are Holy Lord

Evermore my heart, my heart will say
Above all, I live for Your glory
Even if my world falls I will say
Above all, I live for Your glory


"People often think they will be free if they can get away from God. Yet we all inevitably serve somebody or something, whether a human king , the wishes of friends, or our own selfish desires. Just as a fish is not free when it leaves the water and a tree is not free when it leaves the soil, we are not free when we leave the Lord. The one sure route to freedom is wholeheartedly serving God the Creator. He can set you free to be who he created you to be."

Psalm 2:2-3
The Kings of the earth prepare for battle;
the rulers plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one.
"Let us break their chains," they cry,
"and free ourselves from this slavery."

God's Power

"God is all powerful and He always acts at the right time. He is in control of every situation. God's power is shown as He reveals Himself in creation, history and Bible. His strength can overcome the despair of any pain or trial. We can always pray that He will deliver, protect and sustain. And He will answer." (Psalm 19, 21 and 78)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Light of the Life

Light of the Life Posted by Hello

I really enjoy listening to Reuben Morgan's masterpieces, especially the song "I sing". To many of my church fellows, the song is depressing. But for me, it really helps me from walking out of my darkest hour every time i play this song. Conversely, it emboldens me to stand on my feet and continue my tedious journey towards the life of eternity. There is nothing better than to rate this song as the "Light of my life". Way to go, Reuben Morgan!

I Sing
It used to be darkness
without you I
I lived my life in blindness
but now I am found

And I'll sing, sing, I love you so
And I'll sing, because the world can't take away
Your love

Found me in weakness
You came ot me in kindness
And now I live

I'll give my life for you Lord
For all you've done


When i was browsing through the Bible today, one word caught my attention. This word is "wholehearted". How often do we worship God whole-heartedly? To be frank, i guess most of the christians only turn to God when they encounter problems, of course, problems which are insurmountable or I rather put it in an easy way by saying that the problems which require higher level of wisdom to put them into resolution. God has been treated as a stepping stone. Shame on us, Christians, who always address ourselves as the children of God. Are we worthy of calling ourselves the children of God if we can not protect what God's purposes for us and His will to be done? How many people would have come to realise that it is God, we are living for? We do not live by our own selves. There will be no human if it was not God's purpose to create human being in this planet. The world will not be as colourful without the living of homosapiens. We should be grateful of God's grace and favour that has poured on us, human.

Praising God with all our hearts means appreciating Him and honouring Him in all areas of life. We need to show our loyalty to Him in every part of our lives, not just in going to church. If we praise God with all our hearts, then our work, relationships, use of money and desires will be in keeping with His will.

Psalm 86:11-13
"Teach me your ways, O Lord, tha tI may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, that I may honour you."
"With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God. I will give golry to your name forever, for your love ofr me is great. You have rescued me from the deptys of death!"