Thursday, June 19, 2008

An email from uncle

An email was written to my uncle from Singapore 2 days ago to update him about my interview which was held the day before.

It's the most fabulous email I have ever received from him. As he went telling me to think about what I am to God and how God can offer help to me in my life, I suddenly felt the joy from God.

I am not delighted because the email replied is encouraging to me. But the content of the email has completely changed my view of my great uncle. I wonder when did he start entrusting his life to Christ.

The word SURRENDER, would be seen as TOTAL FAILURE or SHAMEFULNESS, in this modern world. A Total Surrenderedness requires more than boldness and courage. It is self-denial. It tells of the act of a man who gives up his possessions (eg. treasure, dignity, power etc.)and takes up the Cross to follow Christ.

This form of discipline is now protrayed on my uncle and I am grateful that after so many problems have hit him, he chooses to stand by the side of God. There is no shamefulness but pleasent in God's eyes to have us home with Him.

I think I should share this email out and I hope it will help to bring the joy from God in you.

" Hi Way:

Thank you for updating me, and being so opened with me.

From your description, I would rate that as a very 'fruitful' and 'God-sent' interview. God never promised us sunny day everyday. There will always be sunny days, rainy days, or even stormy days. There would also be earthquakes, and typhoons as well. God has a plan for all of us. In His Grand Master Plan, He has left distinctions for us to acquire along the journey. The distinctions from the journey are the gifts from God, not a job offer. I would not have wanted God to help secure me a job, considering His Greatness. Instead, I would pray for God to open my eyes in acquiring distinctions in life in every step I take, when I live everyday. For example, Distinction in being peaceful and faithful in facing all kinds of circumstances, be they good or bad, happy or sad, success or failure.

God has shown you in your interview, areas that are missing in your education, and your life. Though that has been an uncomfortable (as you have made it to be, not God) session, ask ourselves, are there any great things in life or in this world that was built on no hard work, and on comfort alone? You have discover some missing elements in your training, and experience, continue to pursue knowledge and or put in effort to cover areas that you do not know and need to know, and in the mean time, never stop to ask yourself, who you are being? Are you game in putting attention away from yourself, your wants and needs, and start thinking about what others need?

Start from these:

Being a son - how have you been being a son to your parents?
Being a brother - how have you been being a brother to your sister?
Being a peer - how have you been being a friend to your classmates, your fellow Church friends?
Being a member of a community - .......
Being a citizen - .................
Being a man in humanity - ......................
Go on and on

I acknowledge you for being generous in sharing with me the most intimate part of yourself, your life and your career, and your openness. Do not be too taken or shaken by that interview.

Try on this in your next interview. Be authentic. How?
When we are truthful to ourselves, and be 'authentic' (this has no grey areas, only black and white, either yes or no) with what we are, what we know, we can be totally comfortable with what we are not, and what we do not know. You can be totally comfortable (with no loss of confident or composure) in acknowledging what you do not know to your interviewers. You can state that as a fact, with no attachment of guilt, shame or apology. We are made in God's image, what is there to be ashamed of?

Find every opportunity, you can see the windows opened in the conversation if you are attentive and listen with no preconceived ideas, and speak about what you know, what you can contribute. Again, state that as a fact, and with no attachment.

I have interviewed countless numbers of architects in my whole career, and I do not look for a person who knows everything, I can find more reliable answers from encyclopedia, or Wikepedia. I look for persons with honesty, integrity and confidence. A person who is confident is at ease and has no conflict with himself/herself. He is one who does not look down on himself, nor is he apologetic about not knowing anything. A person with integrity has no qualms about who he is and who he is not.

All the best to your next interview.

Cheer up,

Tuaku "

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