The venue is the newly constructed, partially operated Jimah Power Plant.
The plant is currently co-managed by electrical specialists and most of the electrical technology inclusive of the GenSet, Transformers and Relay Protection Units are designed mainly by Toshiba and Mitsubishi Electrics.
Upon reaching the final phase of the project, they are now performing power and system evaluation.
Upon reaching the final phase of the project, they are now performing power and system evaluation.
So just before the hand-over, a group of Japanese performance engineers have arrived to test run the station with various load tests. I am assigned to the team under the supervision of its lead engineer Kawamura san for the data acquisition role in the Control Relay Room.
This is where I work - a Control Relay Room. It is mounted with Control and Protection panels. Above shown is one of a kind for PQ2 Bus Bars.
This is the main control panel for PQ2. Load test will be carried out in the GenSet site, while I will be pulling data related to the power factor from this control panel.
500kV Power Quality Panel. Performance Engineer will use this panel to monitor the power harmonics, unbalanced voltage and total voltage/current distortion. It is also my job to make sure that this system works by logging the power factor every 10 minutes for 24/7.
Site view from the Control Relay Room that I am working in. Beside is a step-up transformer.
A closer view of this giant Mitsubishi Transformer standing at 25 metres high.
A giant Step-Up Transformer is connected to the site pylons in 3 phase wiring system.
The 500kV supply is then fetch to these bus held by the site pylons before it is distributed to other pylons by means of cables.
More Pylons
The electricity is later bused to other pylons to be distributed for various uses.
I saw this gigantic monster beside the canteen - Coal Conveying Machine. I thought I could only see this in Discovery Channel. Cool...!!!
Overall comment: Not bad at all working in power station. It might be dangerous when dealing with high voltage source. But if safety measure is taken seriously, the job could be interesting and educational. Looking forward for the next assignment as such, if there is any.