Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How Could I Live

A song i sang during my first backup singing in LCCC Sunday worship. How beautiful the world that the Lord has blessed us and how beautiful we are to Him. Thank you Lord for choosing the cross for there will be no existance of human if it wasn't you who revived us through your body and your blood. God, let us sing a hymm of love and praise to you for your faithfulness. How can we possibly live without your great vision of creating human at the first place. So Lord God let us continue to dwell into Your presence and have us to share the intimacy that we have always wanted to with You, Lord.

How could i live
How could i live without You
How could i survive
Without Your love
Without Your touch
You're the One that heals me
And cleanses my heart
And sets me free

Now i come right before You
With my hands lifted up
With my heart humbly bowed
At Your work on the cross
As You hang there and die
You were paying the price
For my life, For my life

For Your love is higher than the heavens
Deeper than the seas
And all i want is You in my life
No one else can satisfy my soul
Can make me feel this way
Only You Lord, only You.

Break me and reassemble me

Valentine's day, an extraordinary day for God to speak through me about His teaching. Many people might think that i am fine in my life. But that's not the truth. I feel weak as i can't focus on what God has to say to me. My body and soul started to take over me. I was moving in despair and truly heart-broken.

God is faithful to me. I know it to myself that i am living in a life of arrogance. And this is the first time God has ever worked so deep in my heart that i nearly burst into tears. Arrogance has led me to disobey God's command. It was my body and soul which were leading me. But the stage of life i was going through was just broken by God. The pain comes in and finally i just discovered that i haven't really loved God much of this time eventhrough i have been showing to Him through my prayers. That might be the stage that most of the successful christians must go through.

So i really pray to God that He will teach me more on my daily prayer life. Give me something to pray of as the day goes by. And may the prayer be what the Lord has commanded.
Thank you Lord for breaking me and have me tasted this bitterness so that i can continue to be the man of integrity. Lord, i just want to give my life to you and surrender fully into your ministry. May the power of the Holy Spirit lead me through the darkest time i am facing now. And God, i pray that you will reassemble me once again and have my spirit renewed. Give me a new hope O Lord and help me to listen to and believe on what you want to say with me, so that i can march boldly like once the Israelites did in Egypt.

My prayer to God for His constant blessing, so that the hunger of the word of God in me continues to flow. There will be none like Valentine's day, where the presence of God has touched me so deep. And may Lord God help me to love Him more and may the reconciliation of the fellowship with God be eternal. Amen.